With Your Help, We Can Make a Difference

By Dina Justice
Chair, Family Care Council Florida

April is National Volunteer Month and as chair of Family Care Council Florida, I’d like to praise the work of the 15 local Family Care Councils (FCCs). These volunteers throughout the state provide education and empowerment for self-advocates in Florida, as well as their families. Family Care Council is the only family voice in Florida, and we strive for measurable and effective change on the local level and statewide. We partner with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) to make sure self-advocates and their families have input on statewide policies.

We have made great progress, but there is so much more we want to accomplish. This is where we need your help. FCC members are individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, parents, siblings, grandparents, and guardians of people who qualify for APD services. Together, we mentor families, meet with legislators, host educational forums, review APD policies, and much more.

I encourage you to get involved as a member and reach out to your local council. Share your story and connect with someone who is experiencing a similar journey. Visit our website for more information and resources at www.fccflorida.org.