Agency for Persons with Disabilities iBudget Florida Introductory Video 2010 ANNOUNCER: There is something new on the horizon to help serve people with developmental disabilities in Florida. iBudget Florida. iBudget is short for individualized budget. iBudget Florida will allow people to know their budgets at the beginning of the year, then prioritize funding for the services that are most important to them. A group of 16 stakeholders helped develop the new iBudget Florida system for the Agency for Persons with disabilities. BETTY KAY CLEMENTS, PARENT, STAKEHOLDER: With a diverse group of stakeholders--there were three parents, there was a provider of just about every type of service that there was, there were different organizations--I mean, it was 16 people who really were, across the board, knowing the developmental disability system. And we were brutal. ANNOUNCER: After more than a year of fine-tuning and receiving legislative approval, APD is planning to slowly phase in iBudget Florida starting with Tallahassee and surrounding areas. Other parts of the state will be added later. The new system will allow individuals and their families to make choices to meet their needs, many times without having to get prior approval. People with disabilities are looking forward to moving from the waiver tiers to iBudget. ARIZONA JENKINS, SELF ADVOCATE: I like the freedom that you can do your own thing and you can have your own choices. PATTY HOUGHLAND, PARENT: The families will have more control, more flexibility, ability to move within the services quickly. ANNOUNCER: The watch words for iBudget Florida are self-direction, equity, simplicity, and, sustainability. MARK BARRY, THE ARC OF FLORIDA: It's going to be more equitable for people being served, that it will be fairer, that people with like characteristics will be receiving, you know, similar levels of resources. And so I just think the whole issue of fairness and equity is real important. Aside from that, I think it also simplifies the system, takes out a lot of the subjectivity, makes it more objective. ANNOUNCER: iBudget Florida will not solve funding problems because of the state’s tough economic situation. It will, however, make it simpler and easier for everyone to work together to make the best use of limited waiver funds to help customers. iBudget Florida will provide people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to make choices and have flexibility in meeting their needs. Once there is budget stability in the waiver, APD’s long-term goal is to begin serving people currently waiting for services. In the future, APD will be holding informational meetings and training sessions on iBudget Florida. For more information, contact your APD area office or visit ©2010 Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities