COVID-19 Resources and Guidance Updated Regularly on APD Website
If you’re looking for information about COVID-19 as it relates to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, be sure to check the COVID-19 resource page on APD’s website regularly. This online listing of COVID-19 resources and information is designed to help navigate the unique challenges of this pandemic for people with disabilities, their families, providers, and Waiver Support Coordinators. Check out the page at
The “Families” section includes tips for staying healthy, an online symptom checker, the COVID-19 Call Center number/email, mental health support resources, and links to at-home activities including puzzles, coloring book pages, safety and social-emotional skill-building activities, and a virtual museum tour.
The “Providers” section of the page features PPE guidance, CDC tips for health care professionals, a list of Florida testing sites, AHCA alerts, and available loan programs. The “WSCs” section includes links to guidance from APD and Qlarant.
There is also a section of the page called “CDC+ Resources” with links to advisories as well as DEO reemployment FAQs.
The next sections include links to Executive Orders, Emergency Orders, and Emergency Rule Notices issued during the pandemic.
At the end of the page is a report showing APD’s regional and facility COVID-19 statistics. The PDF is updated at the end of every workday.
APD is very grateful for the supplies donated by generous groups across the state. The Family Care Council for Area 13 donated 134 washable face masks for distribution to providers and customers living in APD group homes. The Pensacola Mask Sewers organization donated 152 cloth masks to help APD customers and the staff helping them, 76 cloth masks for Escambia County and 76 for Santa Rosa County. APD’s Developmental Disabilities Defendant Program (DDDP) of Chattahoochee recently received a donation of face shields and sanitizers. Kelli Walter with The Focus Foundation and Envision Credit Union donated 101 face shields, two gallons of alcohol, and two spray bottles to assist the facility with infection prevention measures. DDDP also received 10 cases of KN95 masks as a donation from El Bethel Assembly of God, Sneads Assembly, the local district of United Assemblies of God, and McDaniel’s Piggly Wiggly. Florida A&M University donated 45,000 pairs of gloves to APD’s three centers in Gainesville, Marianna, and Chattahoochee, and also donated a large tent to Sunland Center in Marianna for staff screenings. The Florida Baptist Convention donated more than 7,000 N95 masks to the three centers.