Field 1 > Presentations & Publications
2015 Best Practices in Supported Employment
- 2015 Best Practices in Supported Employment Pre-Service Manual
- 2015 Best Practices in Supported Employment Presentation
- Developmental Disabilities Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook
- FDLE Booklet
Criminal History Background Checks for Child Care, Substance Abuse,
Mental Health and Developmental Services Programs - Health and Safety Classroom Participant's Manual
- Reproducible Job Aids Booklet
- Seizure Observation Log
- Introduction of Developmental Disabilities Classroom Participant's Manual
- Zero Tolerance Classroom Participant's Manual
Introduction to Social Security Work Incentives - Pre-Service Training
- Pre-Service SSWI 2016 "Introduction to Social Security Work Incentives" Manual
- Social Security Administration's Benefits Planning Query Handbook
- 2016 Red Book