News & Information > Publications & Resources


The agency's most popular publications in downloadable PDF documents.

  • APD Cares
    A brief summary of the services provided by APD through waiver programs in the community and in two centers in Florida. Includes contact info for the centers and APD's 6 regional offices.
  • CDC+ Information Card
    An overview of Florida's Consumer-Directed Care Plus program. Individuals have more choice, flexibility, and control over their care.
  • Decision-Making Options
    An overview of the ways that people with disabilities can get help with making decisions, including legally-recognized representatives and less-restrictive options.
  • Person-Centered Support Plan
    What APD iBudget Florida and Consumer-Directed Care Plus (CDC+) customers need to know about Person-Centered Planning.
  • Supported Employment - Invest in your Future
    Supported Employment can help APD customers get and keep jobs in the community.
  • Better Your Bottom Line
    Hiring employees with disabilities is good for business.
  • Fight Medicaid Fraud
    The Agency for Persons with Disabilities does not tolerate fraud. Learn more about Medicaid fraud.
  • Guide to Services
    An overview of the supports and services that APD provides through the iBudget program.
  • Hawkins Recreational Park
    Information about APD's park on Round Pen Bayou near Milton for persons with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.
  • Keeping Your Disability Benefits While Working
    Information on how to keep benefits while you are employed.
  • Manners that Matter
    An etiquette guide for interacting with people with disabilities.
  • The QSI and You
    What you need to know about APD's Questionnaire for Situational Information (QSI).
  • Supported Living: Opportunities & Choices
    An introduction to supported living, a service that enables people with developmental disabilities to receive services in their own homes and communities.
  • What to Expect from Your Job Coach
    An APD job coach assists people with developmental disabilities to obtain and maintain employment by matching skills and interests.
  • Selecting a Waiver Support Coordinator
    Waiver Support Coordination is the service of advocating, identifying, developing, coordinating, and accessing supports and services for individuals with disabilities funded by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD).
  • Zero Tolerance
    A description of APD's program to end the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disabilities. It provides information on what you can do to prevent these crimes.
  • Suicide Prevention Resources
    This brochure provides a list of resources to contact and websites if you or someone you know needs help.

Las publicaciones más populares de la agencia de documentos downloadable del pdf.

  • Guía para los servicios de exención de iBudget Florida
    Sirviendo a los floridanos con discapacidades del desarrollo

  • Combata el fraude de Medicaid
    la Agencia para Personas Incapacitadas (APD) no tolera el fraude

  • ¡Libertad en su futuro!
    Una introducción al programa Cuidado Plus Dirigido por el Consumidor de Florida

  • Supported Living
    Vida asistida es una oportunidad para que adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo elijan dónde, cómo y con quién vivir.

  • Plan De Apoyo Centrado en la Persona
    Lo que los clientes de iBudget de Florida de la APD y del Programa de Cuidado Plus Dirigido por el Consumidor (CDC+) deben saber sobre la planificación centrada en la
  • Mantenga sus beneficios por discapacidad mientras trabaja
  • Optimice su rendimiento
    Contratar empleados con discapacidades es bueno para su negocio

  • Empleo asistido

  • Que esperar de su instructor laboral
  • Buenos modales que importan
    Una guía de buenos modales para interactuar con personas con discapacidades

  • Asistencia en Florida
    Para discapacidades del dessarrollo

  • Parque recreativo Hawkins
    Diversión y relax para personas con discapacidades y sus familias

  • Opciones Para Tomar Decisiones
    Explorando formas para que las personas con discapacidades puedan obtener ayuda para tomar decisiones

  • El QSI y usted
    Lo que usted necesita saber sobre el Cuestionario de Información sobre la Situación (Questionnaire for Situational Information o QSI)

  • Zero Tolerance
    Combate contra el abuso, negligencia y explotacion de personas con discapacidades

  • Recursos para la prevension suicidio

Les publications les plus populaires de l'agence dans les documents downloadable de pdf.

  • N ap Sèvi Moun Florida
    Ajans pou Andikap Devlopmantal (Agency for Persons with Disabilities, APD) travay nan yon patenarya ak òganizasyon lokal pou soutni moun ki gen andikap devlopmantal yo pou viv, aprann, ak travay nan kominote yo.

  • Kenbe Avantaj pou Andikap Ou Yo Pandan W Ap Travay
    Pou kapab kalifye pou ankourajman pou travay Revni Sekirite Siplemantè (SSI) ak Asirans pou Andikap nan Sekirite Sosyal (SSDI) bay, Administrasyon Sekirite Sosyal dwe deside yon moun kalifye yon mwa anvan yo itilize ankourajman pou travay yo.

  • Supported Living
    Sipò pou moun viv se yon opòtinite pou granmoun ki gen andikap devlòpmantal yo chwazi kote, ki jan ak kiyès pou yo viv.

  • Amelyore Sa Ki Pi Enpòtan Pou Ou
    Rekrite anplwaye ki andikape yo bon pou biznis
  • Plan Soutyen Ki Baze Sou Moun
    Sa kliyan APD iBudget Florida ak Consumer-Directed Care Plus (CDC +) yo bezwen konnen sou Planifikasyon ki Baze sou Moun lan.

  • Sipò nan Travay
    Envesti Nan Aavni Ou
  • Sa Pou Atann Nan Men Konseye Pwofesyonel Ou An.
  • Bwochi Hawkins Park
    Amizman ak detant pou moun ki andikape yo ak fanmi yo
  • QSI a ak Oumenm
    Sa w bezwen konnen sou APD Kesyonè pou Enfòmasyon sou Sitiyasyonajans
  • Opsyon sou Pran Desizyon yo
    Egzamine fason moun ki andikape yo kapab jwenn èd pou yo pran desizyon yo
  • Zero Tolerance
    Mete Fen Nan Abi, Neglijans Ak Esplwatasyon Moun Ki Andikape Yo
  • Gid Sèvis Egzanpsyon iBudget Florida
    Sèvis Pou Rezidan Florida ak Andikap Devlopmantal

  • Libète Nan Demen Ou!
    Yon entwodiksyon sou pwogram Swen Kliyan Dirije Florida Plis (Florida’s Consumer-Directed Care Plus)

  • Konpòtman ki Enpòtan
    Yon gid etikèt sou jan pou aji ak moun ak andikap

  • Gid Sèvis Egzanpsyon iBudget Florida
    Sèvis Pou Rezidan Florida ak Andikap Devlopmantal

  • lit/goumen Medicaid Fwòd
    Fwòd nan Medicaid se yon krim. Pa kite yo reyisi fè sa.

  • Resouspou evite Swisid