APD > Behavioral Services Resources
The materials listed here have been included as resources that we hope will be helpful as you plan, deliver and monitor services for individuals with special needs. This list will be updated on a regular basis and we expect, with your input and support, it will grow to be a significant and beneficial compendium of useful tools and resources.
APD Behavioral Services StaffNews and Announcements
- Please find below vetted resources we hope will assist. Please continue to submit your suggestions and comments for additional information and resources to ABA@apdcares.org.
Behavioral & Mental Health Resources
- https://www.addictiongroup.org/treatment/
- APD - Mental Health
- CDC: Taking Care of your Emotional Health
- CDC: Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
- DCF - Get Help - Find Local Services
- Disaster Behavioral Health Resources
- Disaster and Trauma
- Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism
- Hope Florida - A Pathway to Prosperity
- SAMHSA - Early Serious Mental Illness Treatment Locator
Behavioral Contact Email by Region

Northwest | northwest.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Northeast | northeast.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Central | central.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Suncoast | suncoast.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Southeast | southeast.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Southern | southern.behavioral@apdcares.org |
Important Rules
Reactive Strategies: Seclusion and Restraint Rule
Promulgation of a seclusion and restraint rule (65G-8) was mandated by the Legislature in section 393.13(4)(h)2., Florida Statues, ("the agency shall adopt by rule standards and procedures relating to the use of restraint and seclusion"). The rule in its present form was adopted on August 7, 2008. Please take a look at the links below and submit your comments and suggestions to ABA@apdcares.org.
- Updated! Provider Reactive Strategies Report
- Updated! Agency Approved Curricula for "Behavioral Emergency Procedures" Training
- Rule Chapter 65G-8: Reactive Strategies
- Slides for training on Rule Chapter 65G-8: Reactive Strategies
- Request for Curriculum Review Form
- Frequently Asked Questions for 65G-8
[Behavioral] Service Delivery Practice and Procedure
Promulgation of a service delivery rule (65G-4) was mandated by the Legislature in section 393.13(4)(g)3., Florida Statues, (“The agency shall adopt by rule a system for the oversight of behavioral programs. The system shall establish guidelines and procedures governing the design, approval, implementation, and monitoring of all behavioral programs involving clients. The system shall ensure statewide and local review by committees of professionals certified as behavior analysts pursuant to s. 393.17. No behavioral program shall be implemented unless reviewed according to the rules established by the agency under this section.”) The rule in its present form was amended and adopted in April 4, 2012. Please take a look at the links below and submit your comments and suggestions to ABA@apdcares.org.
Helpful Tools and Forms
Behavior Analysis Service Providers
The Behavior Analysis forms and templates have been temporarily removed. As the APD iConnect project continues to roll-out, please be on the look out for revised forms, including those listed below.
- Behavior Analysis Services Plan (BASP)
- Behavior Analysis Progress Summary (BAPS)
- Reactive Strategies Form
- Behavior Analysis Services Eligibility (BASE)
- Functional Behavioral Assessment
Behavior Assistant Service (BAS) Providers
We value your input. What additional information would you like to see here? E.g. Behavioral Analysis, Behavioral Assistant, etc. Please submit your comments and suggestions to ABA@apdcares.org.
- Behavior Assistant Supervision Log
- BAS Task List
- Training Guidelines for BAS Providers and Res Hab Direct Care
- BAS Curriculum Review Checklist
- BAS Curriculum Review Checklist Instructions
Special Topics
- Behavior Analyst Certification Board
- eQ Health
- Florida Association for Behavior Analysis
- Guidelines for Service Individuals with a History of Sexual Aggression
- Link to NASDDDS Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation Resource Library
- National Association for the Dually Diagnosed
- Qlarant
- Safety Plan
Books and Articles
- BF Skinner Foundation
Provides a free electronic copy of the book Science and Human Behavior - PubMed Central (PMC)
This is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature - Applied Behavior Analysis textbook by Cooper, Heward and Heron
A comprehensive Text covering all areas of Applied Behavior Analysis
Helpful and Interesting Sites
A list of websites providing valuable information and resources.
- Helpful and interesting sites
- Medical Causes of Maladaptive Behavior in ASD - Slides - Handout