Central Region > Field 7
Central Region Manager: | Jeannette Estes |
Office Address: | 400 West Robinson Street Suite S430 Orlando, FL 32801 |
Main Phone Number: | (407) 245-0440 |
Main Fax Number: | (407) 245-0578 |
Counties Served: | Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Seminole |
Field News and Announcements
- Looking for Resources and Services? Check out the New APD Resource Directory.
- Apply for Services —To learn how to apply for services from APD, including the Medicaid Waiver program, for yourself or a family member, please visit our Apply for Services Section
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) is committed to full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Persons who desire accommodations should contact: Carol Solomon, Field 7 Training Coordinator at carol.solomon@apdcares.org (407) 245-0440 ext. 632.
Please call at least 72 hours prior to the event to allow time to arrange your accommodations.
Area Training Information
Field Contacts
Field Resources
APD Resource Directory
- Resource Search
A searchable directory of local, state, and national resources and services.
- Planning Resources
This directory is a good starting point for finding a variety of natural and community supports, in addition to services provided by government agencies.
Field Suggestion Box
Submit your suggestions to APD for improving supports and services in your community
Provider Recruiting Opportunities
Becoming a Provider is a free process.
Due to the considerable number of enrolled providers in Field 7, it has been determined that the following service providers are needed and are recruited at this time:
- Adult Dental
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Consumable Medical Supplies
Behavior Analysis
Private Duty Nursing
Residential Nursing
Skilled Nursing
Supported Living Coaching
Life Skills Development – Level 2 (Supported Employment)
Please reference the Developmental Disabilities Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook for more details on services offered under this program.
Area Steering Committee

- For a complete list of committee members,
meeting minutes, and upcoming activities please visit the Steering Committee page.