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Panama City Town Hall FAQ

  1. Jobs are a number one priority; however, educating people about how to get a job or start your own business is not that great.  What if I have a business plan and all I need is capital?
    1. Your local Vocational Rehabilitation Office is the first place to start.
    2. Regarding capital, the Agency would make a referral to Vocational Rehabilitation to assist with setting up self-employment, and work with Vocational Rehabilitation to determine if supports will be needed after Vocational Rehabilitation services end.
  2. Transportation is a huge concern.  Maybe APD should look at addressing this problem by:
    1. Vouchers,
    2. Increasing rates for providing transportation, or
    3. Offering rates based on a sliding scale depending on how often you ride a month
      1. APD is currently allowing the purchasing of bus passes via the Waiver.  Increasing rates in most cases would be counterproductive for the client since there would be a large impact on individual cost plans.  In the past, APD has provided across the board increases in transportation rates.  It is difficult to increase rates for one provider as opposed to all providers.  A sliding scale for rates is a good recommendation we will keep it under consideration.
  3. Are you looking at various models of “meaningful day activity”? There are many variations and models that APD should be looking toward for best practices.
    1.  For example, Respect of Florida
      1. Yes, we are looking at re-evaluating the Adult Day Training program model to expand options for various populations, including those of retirement age.
  4. What is APD doing for those individuals that are aging?  Are there supports for Dementia or Alzheimer’s?
    1. Instead of group homes with 6-8 clients, maybe we can look at homes with 2-4 clients of similar issues
    2. APD recognizes the importance of supports caregivers who are aging.  In response to this need, APD recently formed a workgroup to look at issues related to Aging Caregivers and is collecting feedback from the public.  For additional information, please contact _______.
  5. The Northwest Region has two time zones in it.  This is an issue.
  6. For the waitlist, can we break it down by service so that we have (for example):
    1. Respite waitlist, Behavior Services waitlist, etc….
  7. For those individuals that are not Medicaid eligible but need services, how can they find out about services?
    1. One way is through our APD Resource Directory at: 
  8. What is APD doing to increase funding to providers in rural communities?  Can APD pay mileage for those providers in other counties providing services in rural counties?
    1. All transportation providers have to negotiate their rates with the regional APD office.  In some instances, providers in rural areas can negotiate a higher rate due to distance traveled to waiver services.  The rates are usually per trip, but can be per mile as negotiated with the regional office.   All negotiated rates are approved at the State Office.
  9. We need to develop an Employment 1st Policy; why isn’t there an official policy?
    1. The Agency is looking at options towards an Employment 1st Policy in conjunction with the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council).
  10. “The iBudget system is the closest we have ever come to date for systematic process driven to what an individual’s needs are…..funding that is more equitable to people’s needs…..families becoming more familiar with the iBudget”