Tampa Town Hall FAQ
1. Why do Family Care Council appointments take so long?
A. I am very happy to report 19 new people were appointed to various Family Care Councils around the state this week. My appointments office runs a very thorough background check on each person being recommended to serve on a Family Care Council. This process takes time; however, my office is committed to make sure all FCCs have a vital and active membership.
2. How will the APD committee meetings be held?
A. Through phone conferencing and some type of WebEx program or video conferencing. Each one of our six regional offices will have video conferencing capabilities and committee members will be able to attend the meeting through video if they so choose.
3. Wasn’t transportation with ADT at one time?
A. At one time there was a bundled rate for ADT and for transportation but when the standardized rates were put in place in 2003, transportation was separated out as a separate service and some ADT providers are also transportation providers. We are revisiting this concept to see if it is something that would be more efficient for the future.
4. Provider rates are too low, especially companion services. Will APD be working on rate increases any time soon? What about cost of living increases for providers? Can APD allow doctors’ appointments in companion rates?
A.The agency will be reviewing provider rates this year and will make recommendations to my office for possible inclusion in my recommended budget for the 2014-15 year. We are going to look at the companion rates as well as all other rates to ensure we have the most effective service rates and service descriptions. Cost of living increases would have to be authorized by the legislature. Companion services can assist a person to attend a doctor’s appointment.
5. What are you doing to improve transparency at APD?
A. APD has started by scheduling these town hall meetings in every Family Care Council Area.
B. The agency is gathering more input from our clients, family members, and partners for issues that we need to resolve. We are gathering this info through our committees:
i. Thriving Providers/BusinessesC. You may visit the APD website: apdcares.org and subscribe to the APD newsletter The Champion to get more information.
ii. Mini-Waiver
iii. Employment
iv. Health and Wellness
v. Behavior Services
vi. Caregivers Aging Out
vii. Operating Efficiencies
6. Can both parents be personal representatives in the Consumer Directed Care Plus waiver?
A.Yes, both parents may be the personal representative for CDC+; however a personal representative may not be a direct service provider. Please work with your CDC+ Consultant to ensure that all the proper steps are completed. A parent can always be of assistance to the individual. If you want to become the legal guardian type of personal representative, then that would need to be legally appointed.
7. Can we have enhanced and timely information APD?
A.APD has all types of information available to the public. Most information is on the agency’s website—apdcares.org. You may subscribe to the APD electronic newsletter called The Champion and also the agency’s list serve that sends out news release and other important information directly to your email box. APD is also active in social media where you may follow the latest activities.
8. What are you doing to increase APD response time for plan changes, fair hearings, reviews, etc..?
A.The iBudget electronic system does increase responsiveness time of the agency staff when a waiver support coordinator submits a change for services to the agency. Also the WSC can make some changes themselves without getting agency separate approval as long as the changes can be made within the person’s individual iBudget allocation.
9. What is the update on any budget cuts?
A.The good news this fiscal year, is that there are no budget cuts, and APD received $36 million to enroll new people from the waiting list into the waiver. Adult Day training programs actually received a 3 percent rate increase this year. The agency will be reviewing rates for other providers to see if there should be increases for other in the coming year.
10. How are you addressing the Caregivers Aging Out issue?
A.We want to plan with caregivers who want to assure that they have a plan for their loved one when they are no longer able to provide care. We will be developing strategies to help these caregivers once we have collected input from these public meetings.
11. Dual Diagnosis – there aren’t enough providers knowledgeable in mental health issues
A.We have identified people with dual diagnosis of developmental disabilities and mental health disabilities as a group of people that we want to improve service for and will be getting input in the public meetings and developing strategies to achieve that goal.
12. Is APD exploring low income housing in nice communities for persons with intellectual/ developmental disabilities?
A.Yes, we have met with the Florida Housing Coalition to partner with them for a wide variety of low income housing opportunities which vary in each community.