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List of Partners - (PDF Download)
Name of Business | Business Website | County |
210 services llc | http://Ritasice.com | Orange |
AAG Live, Inc. | http://www.aag-live.com/ | Indian River |
ACE Transition Program | http://aceleon.org | Leon |
Active Disabled Americans | http://www.4ada.org | Monroe |
All Tag Corporation | http://www.all-tag.com | Palm Beach |
Allaboard Preschool | http://www.allaboardonline.com | Lee |
Alliance Community and Employment Services, Inc | http://acesmiami.org | Broward |
America's Workforce Solution, LLC | https://americasworkforcesolution.com/ | Miami-Dade |
Andrew C. Demos, PA | http://Www.demoslaw.com | Broward |
AQUANAUTS ADAPTIVE AQUATICS | http://www.AdaptiveScubaPrograms.org | Broward |
AT&T | http://www.att.com | Leon |
Ave International School | http://aveschool.org/ | Collier |
Beacon College | https://www.beaconcollege.edu/ | Lake |
Beck Automotive Group | http://www.checkbeck.com | Putnam |
Bishop Grady Villas | http://www.bishopgradyvillas.org | Osceola |
Brevard Achievement Center | http://bacbrevard.com | Brevard |
Building Pathways Foundation, | http://www.building-pathways.com | Orange |
CareerSource Brevard | http://careersourcebrevard.com | Brevard |
CareerSource Broward | http://careersourcebroward.com | Broward |
CareerSource Capital Region | http://careersourcecapitalregion.com | Leon |
CareerSource Central Florida | http://careersourcecentralflorida.com | Orange |
CareerSource Chipola | http://careersourcechipola.com | Jackson |
CareerSource Citrus Levy Marion | http://careersourceclm.com | Marion |
CareerSource Escarosa | http://careersourceescarosa.com | Escambia |
CareerSource Flagler Volusia | http://careersourcefv.com | Volusia |
CareerSource Florida | http://careersourceflorida.com/ | Leon |
CareerSource Florida Crown | http://careersourcefloridacrown.com | Columbia |
CareerSource Gulf Coast | http://careersourcegc.com | Bay |
CareerSource Heartland | http://careersourceheartland.com | Highlands |
CareerSource North Central Florida | http://careersourcencfl.com | Alachua |
CareerSource North Florida | http://careersourcenorthflorida.com | Madison |
CareerSource Northeast Florida | http://careersourcenortheastflorida.com | Duval |
CareerSource Okaloosa Walton | http://careersourceokaloosawalton.com | Okaloosa |
CareerSource Palm Beach County | http://careersourcepbc.com | Palm Beach |
CareerSource Pasco Hernando | http://careersourcepascohernando.com | Hernando |
CareerSource Pinellas | http://careersourcepinellas.com | Pinellas |
CareerSource Polk | http://careersourcepolk.com | Polk |
CareerSource Research Coast | http://careersourcerc.com | St. Lucie |
CareerSource South Florida | http://careersourcesfl.com | Miami-Dade |
CareerSource Southwest Florida | http://careersourcesouthwestflorida.com | Lee |
CareerSource Suncoast | http://careersourcesuncoast.com | Sarasota |
CareerSource Tampa Bay | http://careersourcetampabay.com | Hillsborough |
Cayer Behavioral Group | http://www.cayerbehavioral.com | Leon |
Center for Independent Living | http://www.cilorlando.org | Orange |
Challenge Enterprises of N. FL.,Inc. | http://www.challengeenterprises.org | Clay |
Chance 2 Dance, INC | http://www.chance2dancefl.org | Seminole |
Charlotte County Property Appraiser | http://www.ccappraiser.com | Charlotte |
Cinepolis Deerfield | http://www.CinepolisUSA.com | Broward |
Circle of Friends Ministry, Inc. | http://www.circleoffriendsministry.com | Polk |
Citrus Memorial Hospital | http://www.citrusmh.com | Citrus |
Coldwell Banker | http://coldwellbankerhomes.com | Palm Beach |
Conklin Center for the Blind | http://www.conklincenter.org | Volusia |
Creative Clay | http://www.creativeclay.org | Pinellas |
Crystal Bay Enterprises Inc. | Hillsborough | |
Cypress Creek Elementary | http://cypresscreek.mysdhc.org | Hillsborough |
Diamond Contractors | http://www.diamondcontractorsllc.com | Escambia |
Disability Achievement Center | http://www.disabilityachievementcenter.org | Pinellas |
Disability Rights Florida | http://www.disabilityrightsflorida.org | Leon |
Disability Solutions for Independent Living, Inc | http://www.dsil.org | Volusia |
Dollar Tree | Sarasota | |
Easter Seals Florida, Inc | http://www.easterseals.com/florida | Orange |
El Car Wash EmployeeCo LLC | http://elcarwash.com | Miami-Dade |
Embrace Community Center | http://www.embracecommunitycenter.com/ | Bradford |
employU Inc | http://www.employu.org | Seminole |
Epilepsy Foundation of Florida | http://www.efof.org | Miami-Dade |
Event Services America | http://www.csc-usa.com | Orange |
Excel Converting, Inc. | https://www.whitepages.com/business/FL/Miami/Ex... | Miami-Dade |
First Coast Towing | https://www.yelp.com/biz/first-coast-towing-mid... | Clay |
Florida Agency for Health Care Administration | https://ahca.myflorida.com/ | Leon |
Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities | https://apd.myflorida.com/ | Leon |
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology | http://www.faast.org | Leon |
Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities | http://www.floridaarf.org | Leon |
Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged | http://www.fdot.gov/ctd/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | http://www.freshfromflorida.com | Leon |
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation | http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Children and Families | http://www.myflfamilies.com/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Commerce | http://www.floridajobs.org | Leon |
Florida Department of Corrections | http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Education | http://www.fldoe.org/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Elder Affairs | http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Environmental Protection | http://www.dep.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Financial Services | http://www.fldfs.com/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Health | http://www.floridahealth.gov/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles | https://www.flhsmv.gov/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice | http://www.djj.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Law Enforcement | http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Lottery | http://www.flalottery.com/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Management Services | https://www.dms.myflorida.com/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Revenue | https://floridarevenue.com | Leon |
Florida Department of State | http://dos.myflorida.com/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Transportation | http://www.dot.state.fl.us/ | Leon |
Florida Department of Veterans Affairs | http://floridavets.org/ | Leon |
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council | http://www.fddc.org | Leon |
Florida Disabled Outdoors Association | https://www.fdoa.org/ | Leon |
Florida Division of Emergency Management | http://www.floridadisaster.org/ | Leon |
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | http://myfwc.com/ | Leon |
Florida International University Embrace | http://fiuembrace.fiu.edu/home/ | Miami-Dade |
Florida Office of the Attorney General | http://www.myfloridalegal.com/ | Leon |
Florida State Women's Basketball | http://www.seminoles.com | Leon |
Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corp | http://VISITFLORIDA.ORG | Leon |
FRIENDS SUPPORT, INC. | Hillsborough | |
Gabrielle Consulting | http://gabrielleconsulting.com/ | Leon |
Gilmore Services | http://www.gilmoreservices.com | Escambia |
Goodwill of the Big Bend | http://www.goodwillbigbend.org/ | Leon |
Greenspoon Marder LLP | http://www.gmlaw.com | Broward |
Griffiths Prince & Associate Consulting | http://www.griffithsprince.com | Hillsborough |
Guardian Haven Academy | http://www.guardianhaven.com | Hillsborough |
Gulfstream Goodwill | http://: www.gulfstreamgoodwill.org | Palm Beach |
Habilitation Center for the Handicapped, Inc. | https://habcenter.org/ | Palm Beach |
Habitat for Humanity of East & Central Pasco County | http://www.habitatpasco.org | Pasco |
Helpful Citizens Inc | http://Helpfulcitizensinc.org | Duval |
Here's Help Workforce and Community Development | http://www.hereishelpworkforce.com | Miami-Dade |
HIBACHI EXPRESS LAKELAND INC | http://www.hibachiexpresslakeland.com/ | Polk |
Hilton North Orlando/ Altamonte Springs | https://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/hilto... | Seminole |
Holiday Inn Express | https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us... | Highlands |
HPS, Helping People Succeed, Inc. | http://www.hpsfl.org | Martin |
Humane Society of Bay County, INC | http://www.adoptme.org | Bay |
Investment Corp of Palm Beach | http://www.Pbkennelclub.com | Palm Beach |
J. Lodge, LLC | http://www.jlodge.com | Lee |
Jessica Green Foundation, Inc. | https://www.jessicagreenfoundation.org/ | Duval |
Jet Set II LLC | http://www.jetsetcompany.com | Leon |
Kanpai | http://kanpaibocaraton.com | Palm Beach |
Kathleen Anderson Work Comprehensive Center | http://www.inspireofcentralflorida.org | Seminole |
Keg Connect LLC | Pinellas | |
Lakeland Institute for Learning | http://www.lifl.org | Polk |
LARC, Inc. | https://larcleecounty.org/ | Lee |
Leon County School District | https://www.leonschools.net/ | Leon |
Lighthouse Central Florida | https://lighthousecfl.org/ | Orange |
Lighthouse of the Big Bend | http://www.lighthousebigbend.org/ | Leon |
Lighthouse Works, Inc. | http://www.lighthouseworks.org/ | Orange |
Lively Technical College | http://Lively Technical College | Leon |
Lovelyworldadventure LLC | http://www.lovelyworldadventure.com | Monroe |
Loyal Source Government Services, LLC | https://www.loyalsource.com/ | Miami-Dade |
Luciano Pool Shells llc | Collier | |
MacDonald Training Center | http://www.macdonaldcenter.org/ | Hillsborough |
Making Strides For Autism. Inc. | http://www.makingstridesforautism.org | Duval |
Manatee County Government | http://MyManatee.org | Manatee |
Mega Social Enterprise Inc. | http://www.megasocialenterprise.org | Alachua |
Memory Trees Corporation | http://www.memorytrees.co | Palm Beach |
Miami Children's Musem | http://www.miamichildrensmuseum.org | Miami-Dade |
Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department | http://www.miamidade.gov/parks | Miami-Dade |
Mickee Faust Alternative Performance Club Inc. | http://www.mickeefaust.com | Leon |
Mike Scott Plumbing | http://www.mikescottplumbing.com/ | Citrus |
Miracle Vending LLC | https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/euclid/profile/vendin... | Miami-Dade |
New Vision for Independence | http://newvisionfl.org | Lake |
Northrop Grumman Corporation | http://www.northropgrumman.com | Brevard |
NXT Generation Wellness | http://www.nxtgennation.com | Sarasota |
POSSABILITIES PLUS INC | https://www.possabilitiesplus.com/ | Duval |
Professional Security Institute | http://www.psiftmyers.com | Lee |
Promise Inc. | http://www.promiseinbrevard.com | Brevard |
Publix | https://www.publix.com/ | (Multiple) |
Ramfam Catering, Inc, | Broward | |
RESPECT of Florida | http://www.respectofflorida.org | Leon |
Ron Jon Surf Shop | http://www.ronjonsurfshop.com/3850 S. Banana Ri... | Brevard |
Satcom Direct | http://satcomdirect.com/ | Brevard |
School Board of Volusia County | http://www.vcsedu.org/ | Volusia |
Sea Turtle Adventures Incorporated | http://www.seaturtleadventures.com | Palm Beach |
Seagull Bakery | http://www.seagullbakery.net/ | Duval |
Self Reliance, Inc. | http://www.self-reliance.org | Hillsborough |
Skov Learning LLC | http://skovacademy.com | Hillsborough |
Sky Blieu Technologies, LLC | http://skyblieutech.com/services/ | Volusia |
SMS International Shore Operations | http://smscruises.com | Miami-Dade |
Sodexo Seminole Dining | Leon | |
SOLOMON WISE INC. | https://www.facebook.com/solomonwisefoundation | Seminole |
Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. | http://www.careersourcesouthwestflorida.com | Lee |
Strategies, Inc. Behavior Analysis and Therapeutic | https://www.strategiesincaba.com | Volusia |
Sunrise Community, Inc. | http://sunrisegroup.org | Miami-Dade |
Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board, Inc. | http://www.careersourcesouthwestflorida.com | Lee |
Sunset Bay Properties LLC | http://treasurebayresortandmarina.com | Pinellas |
Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind | http://www.tampalighthouse.org | Hillsborough |
Test II 2022 | https://www.floridajobs.org/ | Leon |
The Arc Gateway, Inc. | http://www.arc-gateway.org | Escambia |
The Arc of the Emerald Coast-Horizons of Okaloosa County | http://www.arcemeraldcoast.org | Okaloosa |
The Arc of the St. Johns, Inc. | St. Johns | |
The Arc of Volusia, Inc. | http://arcvolusia.org | Volusia |
The Chocolate Spectrum | http://www.thechocolatespectrum.com | Flagler |
The Corner Muse Inc | http://hopmeals.com | Miami-Dade |
The Family Cafe, Inc. | http://www.familycafe.net | Leon |
The First Community Christian Pentecostal Church of God | http://www.firstcommunitychristianpentecostal.com | Orange |
The Florida Institute for Community Inclusion | http://www.floridaincludesme.com/ | Orange |
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art | http://www.ringling.org | Sarasota |
The St. Andrew Bay Center, Inc | http://www.bayarc.org | Bay |
The Sweet Spot and Urban Lounge | http://www.sweetspoturbanlounge.com | Duval |
The Vocation Depot | http://www.vocationdepot.org | Hillsborough |
TSE Industries, Inc. | http://www.tse-industries.com | Pinellas |
Two 6 Resources Inc | http://two6resources.org | Orange |
UI KUA | Miami-Dade | |
Vada Chocolates, Inc | http://Kilwins.com | Duval |
Veterans Elite Services | http://www.veteranseliteservices.com | Duval |
Vezina, Lawrence & Piscitelli, P.A. | http://www.vlplaw.com | Broward |
Vilallage of Pinecrest | http://www.pinecrest-fl.gov | Miami-Dade |
Vinny and Bay's Coffee and Eatry | https://www.facebook.com/vinnyandbays/ | Bay |
VonOstir Innovation Services, L.L.C. | http://vonostir.com | Duval |
Walgreens | https://www.walgreens.com/ | (Multiple) |
Wings of an Angel Inc | http://www.wingsofanangelinc.com | Broward |
World of Beer | https://worldofbeer.com/ | Hillsborough |
Zero Waste Operations | http://www.Zwop.com | Escambia |
Zoo Miami Foundation | http://www.zoomiami.org | Miami-Dade |